Energy Healing-N-Reading
 Enliven Your Mind & Spirit

Blind Psychic/Tarot Prediction Reading Two Minutes - FREE IT'S Virgo SEASON!!!! If your Birthday is 8/22 /9/22 you get a 4 minute reading FREE! for the first 25people. Please follow the instructions on my service page. BOOKING IS OPEN!! Thank you! *Love and Grace*


Reiki healing is a holistic service that boosts your well-being, clears negative energy from Aura, and aligns the chakras. Reiki soothes the mind and eases anxiety. A Reiki Session is $50 for a phone session and $75 for a video session. My services are not intended to replace professional services, Legally or Medically, etc. Please obtain those services as needed. If you are interested in a session, please fill out the form on the contact sheet along with the services you're interested in. I'm sending you an email with information for your session. I thank you In advance for taking a liking of my platform. Sending you *Love and Grace*

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. It is not massage nor is it based on belief or suggestion. It is a subtle and effective energy work using spiritually guided life force energy.

Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone can connect with their healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free-flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind are in a positive state of health. When energy becomes weak or blocked leads to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance.

A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. A session is relaxing and is often utilized for one’s wellness.


The rediscovery of Reiki is associated with Dr. Mikao Usui who is credited with rediscovering the root system now called Reiki. His tradition and methods were passed through several grandmasters of Reiki. Today, Reiki takes many forms, however, The Usui System of Natural Healing is still the form most widely practiced. Practitioners and Master Teachers are trained through an initiation process where Masters pass on their knowledge and expertise to their students.


A session is usually 60-90 minutes long. What is the setting? A quiet setting where you are not disturbed is always desirable. Professional Reiki practitioners have a dedicated space or are experienced in creating that space when making house calls. We-  frequently play soft music during the session as a way of masking ambient noise, but let your practitioner know if you prefer silence, Those receiving Reiki in a hospital, hospice, nursing home, or other healthcare settings may have a shorter session (15 or 20 minutes), while some private practitioners give 90-minute sessions. Most sessions are somewhere between.
Is there an intake process? Some practitioners have intake forms and conduct a health interview, especially if the practitioner has other training in healthcare or manual therapies, such as massage. However, since Reiki has developed as a folk practice rather than a healthcare intervention, many Reiki practitioners deliberately avoid the type of intake. This is common in healthcare. You may be asked to sign a consent form. The practitioner explains the process; and asks if you have any specific needs. Be sure to let the practitioner know if you have a health condition that might impact your lying flat on your back or front or have any areas that are sensitive to touch. In a Hospital; or other healthcare environment, the practitioner may ask for permission to touch.
What does the session consist of? A complete Reiki session is offered to a fully clothed recipient lying on a treatment table or sitting comfortably supported in a chair. Commonly, Reiki is offered through light, non-invasive touch with the practitioner's hands placed and held in a few locations. On the head, front, and back of the torso. The placement of the hands should never be intrusive or inappropriate, nor should there be any pressure. Additional placements on the limbs can be done as needed (for example, if there is an injury or surgical scar), and some practitioners routinely do so. The Reiki practitioner can hold her hands just off the body if needed (for example, in the presence of an open wound or burn), and some practitioners always offer Reiki in this way.
What might I experience?"I feel very refreshed and seem to be thinking more clearly." "I think I fell asleep." "I can't believe how hot your hands got!" "I feel more relaxed than even after a massage." "My headache is gone." These are some of the things people typically say after a Reiki session. The experience of Reiki is subjective, changeable, and sometimes very subtle. People often experience heat in the practitioner's hands, but sometimes the practitioner's hands feel refreshingly cool. Other common experiences are subtle pulsations where the practitioner's hands are placed or cascading waves of pulsations throughout the body. People often comment on how comforting they find the experience of Reiki to be. An interesting study reported that recipients frequently feel that they are hovering in a threshold state of consciousness, simultaneously aware of their surroundings and deeply indrawn. Some people fall into a deep, sleeplike meditative state. Sometimes the experience of Reiki is dramatic, while for other people, the first session in particular may be uneventful, although they feel somehow better afterward. The most common experience is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation. Reiki is cumulative, and even people who don't notice much the first time usually have progressively deeper experiences if they continue. Besides the immediate experience of the Reiki, you may notice other changes that continue to unfold as the day goes on: perhaps stronger digestion, a sense of being more centered and poised and less reactive, and sleeping deeply that night.
What to expect during a session? Find a credible practitioner with whom you feel a rapport, what can you do to be comfortable during your Reiki experience? Not much, but here are a few suggestions: If you have music that you particularly enjoy, and is relaxing, bring it to your session and ask the practitioner to play it. You can can request silence. We suggest that you use the restroom before your session. that way you're comfortable with the session. The practitioner; will give you the hand placements before starting, so you are clear about what to expect. The practitioner; asks if you have any concerns before you start. oy the

The session will then proceed with the Reiki Practitioner moving through specific standard Reiki hand positions beginning at the person’s head or feet. A recipient of Reiki might feel a warming sensation or a tingling during the session or nothing at all but sheer relaxation. The session should be pleasant, relaxing, and invigorating.


Reiki is a great tool for stress reduction and relaxation. Many people use Reiki for wellness. Reiki is not a cure for a disease or illness, but it may assist the body in creating an environment to facilitate healing. Reiki is a great tool to use along with a complement of*  traditional medicine and is practiced in many hospitals and medical care settings.

Many times a client, after experiencing Reiki treatments, will wish to learn Reiki to work with this energy themselves by taking a Reiki I course. This can be beneficial as they may use this stress reduction and relaxation tool anytime they wish when the cost would prohibit it otherwise.

Please visit our main website at for articles about Reiki.

Please  Reiki is a complementary care service for*  relaxation, and stress reduction. It is not a substitute for qualified medical care.

What Is This Site About?

​​​​Hello there, Are you tired of feeling stuck and unwell? Do you long for a greater sense of joy and fulfillment in your life? If so, you've come to the right place. My name is Cheryl, and I'm excited to welcome you to this site, which is all about natural healing. As a certified Reiki Master, Remote Sound Healing Practitioner, Numerologist, Anxiety Practitioner, Alternative Healing Practitioner, and Intuitive Reader, I have the skills and experience to help you overcome your obstacles and achieve your goals. I know that seeking help can be intimidating, but I assure you that my approach is both gentle and effective. Whether you're struggling with physical pain, emotional distress, or simply a lack of direction, I can help you to unlock your full potential and create the life you deserve. So if you're ready to take that first step towards wellness and wholeness, let me be your guide. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve lasting happiness and fulfillment. Thank you for considering this site. I look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your goals.

Sending you
                     *Love and Grace*

The Definition of Reiki

Reiki is a spiritual healing art. It is not massage nor is it based on belief or suggestion. A Reiki session usually is between 60 and 90 minutes in length. The session is performed by a Reiki Practitioner (RP or RMT) using specific Reiki hand positions. During a Reiki session, the client is fully clothed while comfortably reclining on a massage table or seated in a chair. A Reiki session aids in stress reduction and it is almost always a very relaxing experience. Reiki sessions or classes are a great investment in yourself.

Reiki is:
- A subtle and effective form of energy healing using spiritually guided life force energy (Rei-ki)
- Practiced in every country of the world
- Being used in many setting including hospitals, hospice, as well as in private practice
and in self-care
- A wonderful complementary modality in a personal wellness or healing program

Reiki is not:
- Affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice
- New. Reiki energy itself is thousands of years old

Defining qualities of Reiki:
- A practice of transmitting healing energy through the hands
- Passed on through the attunement process
- The energy is not guided by the practitioner, but the energy has it's own innate wisdom
to guide itself.
- Reiki energy is not based on belief, faith or suggestion.

A Reiki session may help ease tension and stress and may help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels- physical, emotional and spiritual. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is most often utilized for one's own personal wellness. A Reiki I class is a great gift to give to yourself. To find a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master Teacher in your area of the world please see Find a Reiki Practitioner or Teacher.

Please Note: Reiki is meant to be used as a complement to traditional care or as a personal relaxation or stress reducing tool. It is not a substitute for qualified medical or traditional care.

Making Reiki Real

By Kathie Lipinski

As a Reiki Master-Teacher, I have been working with Reiki energy for over nine years and am always amazed at the questions people ask about Reiki, their perceptions and misconceptions of what it is, what it does, and how it works. In this article I would like to share with you what I believe about Reiki.

I believe that there is an invisible life force that surrounds and permeates all living things. This universal life force energy animates all living things, gives order to our world, and is the underlying creative intelligence of the universe. The Japanese know it as Ki, the Chinese refer to it as Chi, in Sanskrit it is referred to as Prana, and in Hawaiian is called Ti or Ki. It has also been called bioplasma, orgone and odic force.

Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is a high vibrational form of this universal life force energy similar to light energy. It is also a precise method for connecting to the universal life force energy for healing as well as managing everyday life.

Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy. This means that it has a higher intelligence, knows what the person needs, and is guided by the Higher power or Higher self of the person. A person receiving a Reiki treatment gets what they need at the time. It brings the highest healing for all concerned and this is where many people get confused about Reiki.

Reiki is a balancing energy. What is in excess, Reiki lessens (like pain). What is lacking, Reiki increases and fills. So one can say that Reiki restores and balances one’s physical, mental, and emotional energies. It puts one’s physical body in the best condition to promote healing. When people are anxious, Reiki relaxes them. When they are in pain, Reiki can reduce or eliminate it. When people are emotionally upset, Reiki can calm them and balance their emotions so that they can see their situation and problems more clearly.

One of the misconceptions about Reiki is that many people think that one session will cure their disease, eliminate their problems, or calm anxieties forever. In reality, Reiki is not a one shot deal. People don’t get the way they are in one day. There has been a lifetime of bad habits, fearful or anxious thoughts, poor eating habits, etc. Like any chronic disease or condition, it takes time and many treatments to bring the body back to balance. And this is the major reason that Reiki practitioners encourage their clients to take Reiki training so that they can give themselves (as well as friends and family) everyday.

The other misconception is that a Reiki practitioner will “fix” me. A Reiki practitioner acts only as a channel to bring this universal energy to a person. It is the person who is responsible for their own healing. A skilled Reiki practitioner can facilitate healing and guide you through the process, but if you don’t do your human homework (get counseling, change eating behaviors, change negative thinking, change the way you treat people, get out of a relationship, etc.) you may not see the changes you desire.

The reason that Reiki works is that it connects the universal life force energy with the body’s innate (inborn) powers of healing. Reiki also induces the relaxation response and puts the body in the best condition for healing. And we know that it is the body that eventually heals itself. The body’s innate intelligence regulates the amount of Reiki that one receives and where it goes so one cannot give or receive too much Reiki.

Reiki speeds up the process of healing and can be used in conjunction with many medical technologies, and therapies, as well as psychological counseling, to bring about healing. It is not a substitute for medical care. Reiki is not a religion; it is a way to focus energy as well as an energy source that one may tap into. Reiki energy can be used for physical problems, mental or emotional conditions, and for sending healing to those at a distance (this is taught in Second degree Reiki.) Reiki is much like prayer. You focus on the person that you want to send healing to, bring in Reiki energy, and “send” it across time and space.

The best part of Reiki is that it is not just about healing others; it is about healing yourself. And we all know that we need to take care of ourselves and heal ourselves before we can truly help others. A person can use Reiki every day (or several times a day) to help heal situations, physical problems, emotional problems, calm anxiety, send blessings, give thanks, etc.

Reiki is for real people. You don’t have to be spiritually evolved or the most intelligent person. Anyone can go through the training and work with the energy of Reiki. My children have had Reiki since they were four and seven years of age (children are pure channels and work easily with Reiki energy.) My husband is also a Reiki practitioner and we give each other Reiki whenever we can.

Reiki is a wonderful gift that families can learn. Those that are taking care of loved ones who have cancer, AIDS, or any serious or terminal condition can bring the healing energy of Reiki to them every day. They can also bring it to themselves to keep up their strength during this difficult time. Reiki has been known to make the transition to spirit easier for all concerned. Reiki can also be used to treat burns, headaches, clean out a person’s body before and after surgery, chemotherapy treatment, and help heal any aspect of their lives.

Reiki is a natural hands on healing art and is our birthright as human beings. We are all like houses wired for electricity. The Reiki training is the light switch that turns on the ability to channel this energy for ourselves or others. And it doesn’t take years of training. Once you are “initiated” or “empowered” by the Reiki Master Teacher, you can begin working with the Reiki energy immediately. The teacher provides you with basic information about Reiki, “turns on” the switch (ability) and teaches you the basic hand positions; but it is working with the energy that teaches you the most about Reiki.

Reiki is usually taught in three or four degrees (levels). Each degree builds upon the other and increases one’s ability to hold and channel this life force energy. Reiki has been known to change people’s lives, increase creativity, and put one on their true path. It gives each person exactly what they need at the time.

And that is what Reiki is all about: trusting in divine order; trusting in the process of healing and trusting that you will receive exactly what you need at just the right time. Reiki is a hands on healing system as well as an energy source that restores balance and promotes healing on all levels; physical, mental and emotional. It always bring you your highest good.

Why not contact a Reiki practitioner in your area for a Reiki session and find out what its all about for yourself. Then you can experience what Reiki really is.

Kathie Lipinski, RN, MSN, and RMT, teaches Reiki and has a private practice in Long Island, NY where she uses Reiki, various energy–based healing techniques, intuitive counseling, craniosacral sessions, and guided imagery to help individuals identify and heal imbalances in their lives.

Please Note: Reiki is meant to be used as a complement to traditional care or as a personal relaxation or stress reducing tool. It is not a substitute for qualified medical or traditional care.

This article is reprinted from The Reiki Times. ©2004. International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC. All rights reserved.
  • Brooklyn, New York, United States

All readings will be emailed within 72 hours. except a tarot reading. I am taken bookings from 11am- 3pm - 9pm-11:11pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. I only need your name/contact info. for the tarot reading. Thank you! *Love and Grace*


Dear distinguished audience,
I am Cheryl, a certified  Reiki Professional, tarologist,and numerologist with expertise in various spiritual modalities. I hail from the Metro area and have been offering professional tarot assessments years. My assessments are designed to provide you with insights into your strengths and weaknesses, career prospects, relationship compatibility, and important life decisions. Over the years, I have performed various personality assessments for individuals and families, and the results have been highly accurate.
Receiving an assessment with me, you can expect to receive valuable information that can help you make informed decisions and transform your life for the better. However, it is important to note that the changes you make in your life are entirely up to you. My role is to provide you with the necessary information and guidance to help you achieve your goals.
It is important to mention that my services are intended for a mature audience only. If you are curious about your life path and want to learn more about the energies and numbers that influence your life, I challenge you to come and experience the transformation.
To get started, all I need is your month, day, and year of birth, and your full name given at birth. The cost of assessments varies, and I typically deliver them via email, except for tarot assessments.
Thank you for considering my services. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

Psychic /Tarot Prediction Reading. Unveil future possibilities, potential, and energy challenges. IT'S VIRGO SEASON!!!! *$80 is the normal price. Is your Birthday 8/22-9/22 You get a two-minute blind tarot reading free. ( By Phone)Read More

  • Anxiety Sound Healing, /Tarot Reading Business
  • 5 minutes Anxiety Sound Healing/ 15 minute Tarot Reading 2 Minutes
  • Remotely New York, NY, United States (Map)
  • Anxiety Sound Healing-$30/ Tarot Reading-$80$80.00

Welcome to Sound Healing. Singing bowls are used to stabilize blood pressure, ease asthma related issues, renew the functioning of the adrenal gland, to open and stabilize the meridians and to improve the synaptic responses in our brain. singing bowls are used to relieve stress in the body and align the chakras. 
                 Fun Facts About Singing Bowls: A singing bowl usually comes with a stout, wooden stick. When the stick strikes the bowl or rubs around the bowl in circular motions, a deep and rich-toned sound comes from it. The sound and vibrations work as a kind of music therapy for people.
Today, many businesses revolve around sound therapy and healing through music in Nepal or Tibet and all over the world. The ‘healers’ believe that the music from the bowls releases pressure from various spiritual focal centers (chakras) in our bodies. It cleanses our souls and relieves stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It also helps regulate the menstrual cycle. The practitioners usually have many students and visitors come to them to get away from their materialistic and busy lives for a day of calm and serenity.
10 singing bowl facts:
  1. Ambiguous origin Unlike popular beliefs, the origin of singing bowls can be traced back to Nepal and not Tibet. There used to be a lot of trade and exchanges between Nepal and Tibet to boost diplomatic relations. Arancino travelled to Tibet with 80 other Nepali artisans to promote Nepali culture and art. They took with them a lot of knowledge of metals. 
A metallic bowl or batá in Nepali was used as a rice bowl or Janai bata. These bowls are made from seven metals: copper, tin, zinc, lead, iron, silver, and gold. It is said that eating from such bowls provides minerals to the body, especially for pregnant women. Many Bhrikuti must have taken one of these to eat healthy during her pregnancy. Salil Subedi, an author who has written two books on singing bowls and sound therapy, believes the name might have evolved as Tibetan singing bowls when Tibetan refugees started selling them to earn a living.
  1. here are many theories and studies about why singing bowls are considered therapeutic. All of these usually suggest that:
    • The bowls produce vibrations that affect the mind and the body.
    • The sound of the bowls creates brain waves that induce deep relaxation in people.
    • They may give the same benefits as listening to soothing and meditative music.
  2. The metals used to fabricate these signing bowls differ from religion to religion and vary for different purposes. However, the singing bowls originally created by Buddhists are traditionally hand-made from seven metals: copper, tin, zinc, lead, iron, silver, and gold. The sound and vibrations made by these bowls depend largely on the size of the bowl and the proportion of their ingredient metals. Playing a singing bowl yourself, you can feel the weight of the bowl. When you strike it with the mallet, you can feel the vibrations radiate through your body. Although listening to the sound of a singing bowl is just as satisfying, playing it yourself offers more benefits and goodness.
  3. Read: Sound Healing Using Tibetan Singing Bowls Chakra healing: Singing bowls are used in balancing and opening your chakras. The chakras are energy centers in your body. These seven major energy centers of chakras are Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar plexus chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third eye chakra, and Crown chakra. They control centres for the flow of energy in the body and all incoming energy into the body. They link your physical body to the subtle ambient energy fields and impact emotional, mental, and spiritual activities. When they are in balance, you are in good health and harmony. You experience fulfilment and contentment. When your chakras are out of balance or blocked, you experience emotional distress and friction in the flow of life.
    Each chakra vibrates to a specific frequency. The chakras respond to their resonant frequencies; which is known as harmonic resonance. Sound therapy using singing bowls can align each chakra to its resonant frequency. It causes the chakras to vibrate at the same frequency as the wave. Your chakras are then said to be balanced and unblocked.
    1. A singing bowl more powerful than the others?
  4. A full moon singing bowl looks like an ordinary singing bowl but is more powerful than you may imagine.
    Full moon singing bowls are handmade on the full moon night each month. Making singing bowls under direct moonlight on the full moon night is said to enhance the spiritual powers of the singing bowls, making them more beneficial. 
  5. Machine-made singing bowls are metal bowls processed by a machine or any sort of modern equipment. They are made in the same way as handmade singing bowls; the composing metals are smelted and purified prior to being cast, reheated, and made into form. The difference is that these singing bowls are mass-made with machines and little to no human skills are required.
    7. Handmade vs Machine-made Singing Bowls.
  6. 8.Handmade singing bowls need more work, effort, and time to create than machine-made singing bowls. Artisans collect all resources, manually form the proportions, and purify them for processing. They smelt the metal themselves and cast it. To bring the final form, the composite material is hammered down and sculpted into place. This takes a lot of time and patience. As a result, handmade singing bowls are a little more expensive in comparison to machine-made singing bowls.
    1. To identify handmade singing bowls from machine-made, look for little dents and indentations on the surface of the bowls. These are the results of hammering and sculpting the metal. Also, handmade singing bowls are different in shape and size and don’t look identical unlike the ones made by machines.
    2. Did you know that there are many ways to experiment with a singing bowl? You can strike the bowl or rim it with the mallet. You can play the bowl with the padded side of the mallet as well as the wooden side. The padded side will produce a softer, milder sound and the wooden side creates sharp, strong sound and vibrations. You can even experiment by placing water on the singing bowl and playing.
      There are no set rules for playing the bowl; it depends upon you and what you find easier.  
    3.                             Repost of Himalayan Merch's